0088 - 041 - 800164 , 800369

Company Profile

Name Of Company         :   FRESH FOODS LTD.

Type                                 :   Private Company.

The company was established in 1994. Prior to shrimp processing and export no other business was it involved with. Based on Export Volume the company was one of the largest exporters in the financial year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2005-2006, 2007-2008 and also in the year 2008-2009. Education level up to Fish Processing Technology Degree, M.Sc., Engineering on Fish Processing Technology.

The Name Of Exporting Countries are :

USA, Germany, Belgium, Spain, The Netherlands, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, China, Denmark, Holland, Luxembourg, Russia, Egypt Etc.

Type Of Industry:

100% Export Oriented Shrimps & Fish Processing Plant.

Source Of Finance:

Factory established from own source of finance

Present Value Of Project:

27 Crore (Usd. 3.6 Million)

Cash Credit Limit Obtained From:

Agrani Bank, Sir Iqbal Road Corporate Branch, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh.

Annual Turnover:

USD. about 21 Million

Present Limit:

C.C. Pl. 18 Crore (USD 2.4 Million)
C.C. Hypo 12 Crore (USD 1.6 Million)
Highest exporter among the parties of Agrani Bank

Reputation Achieved:

# We have been awarded "Export Trophy-98" by the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh on 23rd July 98.
# Fresh Foods Ltd. is selected for implementing e-traceability system by the UNIDO & Govt. of Bangladesh.
# National Export Trophy - 2007 - 2008 (Gold Medal)
# National Fishery Award - 2009 (Silver Medal)
# CIP (Export) - 2012 Card No. 101-18

Marketing Facilities:

The Company is Green Ticket Holder for US market.

FDA approved code :

Bk-56 and approved for European Countries and our EU approval # KLN-04.